iPhone 6S review by a long term Android user

Anuja Lamahewa
5 min readOct 11, 2015

OK so it has been a week since i switched from my Galaxy S4 to the new iPhone 6S. I’m not going to write about the design or device specs or about 3D Touch here, you can google for that. (YouTube would be better)

However, I will write about all the annoying things I found so far and my final verdict about iPhone 6S and iOS 9.0.2.

There might be fixes for my problems which i haven’t found so far. The reason is I’m not familiar with the iOS and I’m inexperienced in it.

Anyway let’s go on with my list shall we?


Good: Apple has a physical switch to change profiles.


I. No physical LED notification. I think this is the biggest thing i miss from my S4. Come on Apple! , which leads to my second complain:

II. I miss notifications! For some reason I keep missing notifications (especially WhatsApp) It should be either because of my iPhone case or sometimes vibrations doesn’t work (iOS 9.0.2 bug?). Or maybe I haven’t found the correct setting yet.. I don’t know why but i keep missing my emails and WhatsApp notifications.

iOS Settings
WhatsApp Settings

Or maybe this was the case with Android as well? I use my Gear 2 Neo to get all my notifications so I really didn’t have to look at my phone from time to time. Maybe I miss that and now I feel as i’m missing notifications ?

moving on…


Good: BLAZING fast!

Bad: oh things are going to be interesting now..

WhatsApp doesn’t have its own album! This is not an iPhone related issue more of WhatsApp related issue. All WhatsApp images i get goes to Camera Roll album. All the photo editing apps create their own albums including apps line Dropbox so COME ON WhatsApp!

Let me explain how the Gallery works in iOS:

iPhone albums work differently. Your photos are only actually stored in only one album — the Camera Roll album. Even if you add a photo to another album, there is actually only one copy of that image file on your iPhone.

So the problem is organizing stuff. In Android you can select the pictures you want from Camera album and move them to a different album. So now if you go back to Camera album you have the rest of the unmoved pictures. But in iPhone you can’t do those since there is no move/copy/cut concepts in Gallery. It just references the pictures here and there.

A picture stolen from the internet.. well simply because i can’t show you my Gallery

How ever I believe if I connect the phone to my PC and organize them creating new folders it will work but i don’t want to do that. I SHOULD BE ABLE TO ORGANIZE MY STUFF WITHOUT A PC.


Bad: I feel that the font is too small and remember you can’t change the default font.

Good: it is one of the most beautiful fonts I have ever seen. iOS does give options changing the font but none did work for me.


Bad: You need iTunes to do … well ANYTHING!

Good: iTunes syncing. When you get used to this, it’s awesome!


This you already know. No Bluetooth sharing with others and no song, pictures, documents or anything.

Good: you can use WhatsApp, Dropbox and Facebook messenger

Some other stuff:

Screen resolution is not full HD. I would complain more but I didn’t mind the current resolution (Did I mention it has a RETINA display?) by side my side with my S4 you can clearly see the difference between pixels.

Live photos are AWESOME! I first thought as they were a stupid concept but piratical use shows the vise versa. It’s awesome and really fun!

Battery life was better than I hoped.

All Android apps are there so ya.. SUCK IT WINDOWS PHONES!

Camera is awesome!

iOS updates comes! A thing which I HATE about Android.

So whats the verdict?

Let me give you my verdict with a scenario: (this might not be the best example but it is the best way I can imply my point)

I wrote this whole article using my iPhone.

What? more importantly why? … Let me explain. I could’ve NEVER do this in my S4. (Not that anyone needs to write an article using their phone) I did this because I wanted to see how well the iPhone can handle the things I throw at it.

iOS 9 recent apps view

It did not lag ONE single time. i opened gallery more than 30 times and the loading speed never changed. I switched from Medium(the app in which i’m currently writing this article) to Gallery to Aviary(to crop and edit pictures) to back to Medium to Safari(to google) to iTunes(to change my song) and “it just works!”

Stevie Jobs during a presentation

I’m sure the new 2015 Note 5 and others could do the same thing but I doubt it would be so smooth like this. The problem is not the hardware the problem is the software (Android). It is not optimized for the hardware properly. Android phones are great with their limitless combustibility and options but there is a point where things become slow or crashes. (Not that iPhone apps doesn’t crash) I haven’t switched off my iPhone since iOS 9.0.2 update, which was 6 days ago and the phone still works without any sign of slowing down.


If you’re an Android fan and refuses to try Apple products it’s your choice. Comparing the price difference you’re better off with Android. Also to mention that the phones are much more faster in 2015, which still runs Android. But for me I think i will stick with iPhone a little while…

Goodbye Android i’m sure i’ll meet you soon.

or not…

